ERA-EDTA National Societies E-Newsletter no. 33

ERA-EDTA National Societies E-Newsletter no. 33

dinsdag, 17 september, 2019

National Society e-newsletter Template



n. 33, September 2019




SEID on October 26, 2019

Do not miss the chance to attend the SEID!


The first Scientific and Educational Interaction Day

will be held in Vienna (Austria) on October 25-26, 2019.


It is an exciting meeting which boasts educational lectures focused mainly on clinical issues, starting from diagnosis all the way to prevention and therapy.


A consistent part of the meeting is devoted to vascular access which includes a practical session involving demonstrations of ultrasound scanning and fistula imaging on real patients. All participants will have a chance to practise imaging under the supervision and guidance of experts.


Check out the Scientific Programme!

For more details click here!



ERBP speakers at National Society meetings

OPEN CALL: Support of ERBP speakers at National Society meetings


ERBP is delighted to launch its very first open call to send ERBP supported speakers to annual meetings of national societies. If you believe your national society could benefit from a close collaboration with ERBP by having a speaker at its national meeting to disseminate knowledge on ERBP, on topics handled by ERBP guidelines and on evidence-based medicine, then have a representative from your national society fill in the application form, where you can also find the rules and regulations for this initiative.


Submit your application by:

  • December 1, 2019 for annual meetings held between July 2020 and November 2020;
  • or June 1, 2020 for annual meetings held between December 2020 and May 2021.


For more information visit our website or contact us at



EKHA 6th Annual EU Kidney Forum Summary Report

6th Annual European Kidney Forum:

Summary Report


On June 25 2019, the European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) held its 6th Annual European Kidney Forum in Brussels (Belgium) - hosted by MEP Group for Kidney Health. With a focus on Organ Donation and Transplantation, stakeholders including policymakers from the European Commission, national competent authorities, patient associations, medical professionals, and representatives from the private sector tackled the fundamental question “Are we meeting the needs of patients?


Click here to read the European Kidney Forum Summary report.



57th ERA-EDTA Congress




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