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ISN Community Film Event: Share Your Kidney Care Story
ISN Community Film Event: Share Your Kidney Care Story
Van 24 tot 27 februari 2022 wordt het ISN World Congress of Nephrology '22 gehouden in Maleisië, Kuala Lumpur. Voor meer details zie website.
In de aanloop naar de WCN wordt aandacht gevraagd voor het ISN Community Film Event.
"The ISN Community Film Event raises awareness and improves understanding of the reality of living with kidney disease.
The ISN Community Film Event is a unique occasion where these stories are captured and shared with thousands. Now in its fourth edition, the Film Event has seen submissions from all around the world and has featured dozens of stories.
Now in its fourth edition, the ISN Community Film Event is an opportunity to raise awareness, stimulate a conversation, and engage an audience on kidney health issues.
Transform your experience into a narrative of seven minutes or less and share your story with the ISN Community. Submission deadline is on December 8, 2021.
The ISN Community Film Event is hosted during the annual World Congress of Nephrology. Learn more about the 2022 competition and how to submit your story on the WCN’22 website."
Voor meer informatie zie de flyer in deze link